My FS – My Fashion School

Creating a trend is learnt.

83% of My Fashion School students landed a job
within 6 months of graduating.
62+ years of experience
students formed
+ 0
partner companies
+ 0
pass rates on exams over the past 5 years
0 %
Schools : Marseille & Fréjus
Weave your future with My FS

Find the training that matches your ambitions.


Fashion Stylist Assistant

Acquire a skill set that enables you to design collections, fashion items, and accessories for couture houses and creative enterprises.

Bachelor's in Fashion & Luxury Marketing

Bachelor's in Fashion & Luxury Marketing

Acquire a set of essential skills for commercial and marketing activities applicable to all types of businesses, especially in the fashion and luxury sectors.

Acquire a skill set that enables you to design collections, fashion items, and accessories for couture houses and creative enterprises.
Bachelor’s in Fashion & Luxury Marketing
Acquire a set of essential skills for commercial and marketing activities applicable to all types of businesses, especially in the fashion and luxury sectors.
Do you wish to build your professional future with no worries ?
Don’t wait any longer to seize great opportunities at the start of your career with My FS.

We're trusted by more than 1500 companies.

Join one of them…

Some of our accomplishments made it into the newspapers !

GRAZIA : « Le formidable essor d’IICC MODE devenu My FS – My Fashion School »
ELLE : « Véritable vivier de créateurs et de jeunes talents, le sud de la France prend la mode très au sérieux et n’a rien à envier à la capitale ! »
TOUTMA : « Upcycling Uniqlo & IICC Mode, unis contre la fast fashion ».
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